Recommended Reading While I’m Offline for a Few Days

I’ll be at a weekend retreat discussing public diplomacy, so no posting until Sunday night at the earliest. Enjoy your weekend and be sure to catch (and comment on) these posts:

And in the spirit of P.W. Singer’s excellent book, Wired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century, that deserves a review post here, a look back at some of my posts on the subject for your entertainment:

And if you want still more on unmanned warfare, check out ACORN.

Three more books worth mentioning are:

Lastly, a few words about who reads this blog. The number of readers on any given day, as with any blog, is hard to determine. Visitors to the site range from 450-800 depending on the day and the reporting tool. The web server logs report generally five times the number of page views as third-party reporting tools like SiteMeter and GoogleAnalytics. The RSS subscriber count from Google’s Feedburner is currently hovering around 800-850 but doesn’t include the over 130 who receive the blog through email. There are now nearly 100 Twitter subscribers. I won’t even talk about Technorati as their score is a joke and way off (too low). Then there’s the graphical representation of the visitors. The count is low, but the image gives a fairly good idea of this blog’s global readership.
